Saturday, December 10, 2011

Below you'll find some of the last-round designs for our multi-touch screen enclosures. We should have designs finalized by the end of next week! While later than I'd hoped this has afforded us the opportunity to experiment with several touch frame technologies. The final verdict is to use the X3 Series frames from ZaagTech. It was a hard choice between the ZaagTech product and the PQLabs product, but in the end the consistency of the ZaagTech products performance won out.

I'm working on a product comparison in my spare time right now. As soon as that is complete I'll post it to this blog and to the NUI Group forums.

Preview of the multitouch television enclosure.
The surface of the screen is water resistant.
The design accounts for adequate ventilation and space for cabling

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

We sell things!

Two major advancements in the category of selling multi-touch kit.  One, the Locus is now fully on-line with Geek Chic.  The full listing is available here.  I'm very excited about where this is going.  I should mention that the images on the site are of housings designed for the vision based systems which this blog has been highlighting, however, the base products are using the IR frame technologies which I've grown to love.

That being said, the second bit of news is that I've opened up my own Web store.  Some of you may already know that I started a company based around multi-touch and that I've had plans for a Web store for a bit.  Well, she's finally live (here)!

The store is fairly one dimensional at the moment.  The only product offering I've listed is for the multi-touch frames from ZaagTech which I'm using for my projects and for Locus construction.  I have plans to expand the store to include various cameras, lenses, mirrors, and other supplies for the DIY vision and frame based multi-touch-ers out there.  Additionally, we are working on a super secret project which should allow for those less mechanically inclined to enter the world of multi-touch.  And, because I'm no good at secrets, the super secret is a fully self contained multi-touch display line ranging from 40-inch 1080p 16:9 screens to 65-inch 1080p 16:9 screens.

I'm very excited about the direction all of this work is taking.

For those of you who read this, thanks for sticking around!