Monday, August 16, 2010

And our second! A full blown interview no less.

Okay, so the ball has been rolling and here's the skinny.  My wife, a close friend of ours, and I have started a company to surround the work on the table.  We are called Mesa Mundi Inc. (website to come), and are working toward selling completed MT builds using both projectors and/or LCD screens.  Currently we are finishing our dev cycle for the first iteration of the product as well as resolving final pricing.

The video below took place before the formation of Mesa Mundi.  At the time (last week) I was planning to simply place these screen systems into Geek Chic products and bill them as such.  Now this is mostly still the plan.  Geek Chic makes awesome heirloom quality, hand crafted wooden furniture.  The Locus is a housing for the MT stuff I've been working on and together we have an amazing gaming product.  So, without further adieu (or caveats), I present to you  the video by Third Orange:

Friday, August 13, 2010

And the first of the videos has come in...


I'll admit to getting a little punchy after several days of demoing.  This is an excellent example.  Of course I'm not actually showing multi-touch here, just single touch events to show lighting effects and movement based in Map Tools.

However, this is a good example of the lighting quality of the screen after I realized the brightness on the projector was turned -all- the way down for the first 3 days of the Con.  Ugh!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Images from Gencon

I was so busy at Gencon demoing that I forgot to take video and barely took any photos.  Below are my only samples from the table as presented.   I'll finish my Gencon narrative as soon as possible.

Steam Punk and Multi-Touch Gaming Tables --- Oh! My! 

The kids loved playing with the screen saver on the table.  I was running MS Surface Lagoon.
This was taken quickly while the crowd was still at bay talking to a Felicia Day cos-player.
As expected, someone in the (Do you want to date my) Avatar costume drew more of a crowd then a multi-touch gaming surface!  Her staff actually had a plasma ball at the top, it was awesome!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Return from Gencon 2010

I've just gotten back from Gencon 2010 and all I can really say is wow!  The response from the community to my multi-touch table was amazing.

I presented my multi-touch screen and software pack with Geek Chic from their booth.  They built a lovely enclosure (all of Geek Chic's tables are super awesome) and we put the whole thing together on Wednesday before the show.

I'll admit to severe nervousness regarding the table actually fitting the enclosure prior to the show.  The owner of Geek Chic and I had been talking on and off for a couple of months about build and specs, but I was concerned that I might have gotten something wrong or sent the wrong info.  And when I saw the box the Locus (the awesome name they came up with for the combined table) shipped in, I was even more concerned.  It was thin.  To thin.

Fortunately, Geek Chic knows exactly what they're doing and we took out the parts from the box, assembled the table and had roughly 1/2 and inch of extra room for guts of the table.  This lead to some confusion at first because the projection was too large.  After determining the source of the problem I grabbed some scrap and we propped up the projector resulting in much success.

The next hurdle was getting the darn thing to aligned right.  There was some damage to my mirror assembly by AirTran's baggage personnel.  This led to a twist in the video which I had to untwist by adjusting the mirror placement.

Finally, with all the initial kinks worked out, I was able to present the table at in all it's 42" of multi-touch goodness.

Then the convention center turned up the lights in the Dealer Room.  Oh Noes!

Actually the table did wonderfully under the super bright lights.  We had some heating problems but a kind fellow from another booth (Thanks Adrian and thank you to your lovely wife who's name I have forgotten, as well) lent us the use of a fan!

The single fan worked perfectly.  We were able to keep the whole setup cool with only the occasional overheat here or there afterward.   Sunday, I moved the fan into a better position and survived the whole day without incident.

-- More to come tomorrow --