Sunday, September 26, 2010

More fiducial tracking tests with MT4j

The following three videos show fiducial objects from the reactivision default library being read by CCV 1.4 from nuigroup. The demo application is MT4j with a couple of non-standard demo's running in the shell interface. The application I run for the fid-test is the fiducial tracker demo application from the advanced examples section. Enjoy!

(note: I did not trim the ambient audio out of these videos like the previous videos)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

PAX Prime 2010 (Photos)

Below are a handful of photos from PAX Prime.  This shows the table build we demoed as well as the lighting we were under.

The new table design does fantastic under bright, indirect sunlight.  The only time we encountered a real issue was when the sun was setting on Friday and we had these lovely golden rays casting patterns across my demo surface.  Interestingly, after a lot of tweaking on Friday night, we did not have a single moment on Saturday or Sunday where the performance changed due to lighting.  I did make minor adjustments to the CCV threshold value around noon, but literally, the change was from a value of 54 to 64 -- already high.

We were on Sky Bridge which meant that we were on a large bridge platform under an arch of glass and steel.  This meant great lighting for showing off hardwood furniture, and what should have been horrible lighting for an IR multitouch table.  However, the most recent version of CCV (1.4a; thanks Amit!) meant a reconfiguration of my settings.  The new settings worked so ridiculously well that I only mentioned light sensitivity as something to watch out for if you took one home.

This was our (Geek Chic) very well lit booth
Here is where the Locus sat.  Well lit, with some filtering.
Look Ma, no flash.  The natural light had me nervous at first.
On Friday, we moved the blind around to block the sunset.  We did not need do this on Saturday or Sunday after I reconfigured the sensitivity.
Unfortunately the customer facing side got a lot of glare from the Atrium overhead.  As possible I had the customers pop around for a look at what a normal view would be like.

PAX Prime 2010 (Videos)

Wow and wow.  PAX Prime was very different then PAX East.  I was an attendee at PAX East and this time an exhibitor attached to Geek Chic, but even with the obvious differences in role, PAX Prime was vast and spacious and had the level of good feeling that I'd hoped to have found at PAX East.

I meet a lot of great people and showed the table to as many of them as I could.  The technology and the over all design were very well received with the (quickly becoming) usual question of alternate form factor was asked many a time.

I was surprised to see how many people didn't touch the system.  Even after learning that the system was a multitouch display, they were awed and asked lots of questions which I explained or demoed, but few felt that they should just reach in and touch the table.

This was not true of the other exhibitors.  They were not shy at all and the following videos are of the Runic Games folk playing their own game on the table.