Monday, March 14, 2011

PAX East - Complete

Day 3 was a complete success from my stand point. We ran again for the entire show with only a bit of a hiccup when I pushed the currently underpowered CPU to it's limits.

As I'd been telling people at the show, the device I had on hand was my development hardware which is purposely underpowered CPU wise. This is to assist in our load testing process. Unfortunately, I can get a bit excited about how much we _can_ do on the underpowered box. The result is that I was running UniTUIO's Detonator, Torchlight, MT4j Shell, PyMT Shell, D20Pro _and_ MapTools on the poor thing. The graphics driver game up the ghost for a moment, which required an embarrassed pause on my part, followed by a the system picking up it's pieces and returning to a fully functional state.

From a purely developer standpoint, this was a great result. The application load I was presenting on the little guy was way over the top for most low end systems. Despite that the system continue to function as a touch interface until OpenGL froze.

This is the type of problem which wouldn't even be relevant to a production build where the touch layer runs a service. CCV froze along with the rest due to the graphic driver dropping out.

The rest of the event was lovely. I had lots of company throughout the day and plenty of happy people who were excited by seeing D20Pro and MapTools running on our Multitouch table.


  1. Hey, we spoke at Pax on Saturday. I forgot the resource you had recommended for tiles for D20Pro (which I'm becoming highly interested in), and other such tools.

    Care to share the tool you'd suggested?

  2. Sorry for the extremely late reply. I've been very busy working on a new table and finalizing the current one!

    The resource is Tiamat hosted at RPGObjects:

    Lovely stuff! Thanks for stopping by at PAX. The amount of company I had despite being in the alley was very warming.

  3. I've been gathering requirements for an MT gaming table for months and just stopped dead in my tracks at the Youtube video you recommended (liked) a couple of months ago -- that Dell S500wi.

    The surface area is insane. It throws a 75" diagonal (63" wide) image from 5" inches away. It weighs 15.6 lbs -- no MT table can hope to be as portable! It accepts pen input, which has its own expressive set of gestures in Win 7.

    I can't believe I'm about to shut down my MT table aspirations after all the bloody reading and note taking. If computer vision supported hundreds of fiducials the size of a 1" miniature base, and if game mapping apps weren't hopelessly stuck in mouse input, I'd be building a rear DI table.

    But who can justify the time and expense of a rear DI or SDI build when you can instantly digitize a huge surface at any of your friends' homes with this thing you bring over in your backpack?

  4. @jeff, ages later...

    You should check out the MultiTaction product.. expensive but able to track all of our lovely 1" fids!

    That being said, for gaming, tracking Fids is somewhat silly. Once you place physical pieces on the table, you cannot zoom or rotate the map as easily (with more than one piece).. The solution we're working on is to change the center based on a single piece on the board -- more on this soon.
